Empowering Individuals with ADHD and Dyslexia: How GenAI Transforms Education and Work

Lee James
11 min readMay 17, 2024



Imagine struggling to focus on a task, only to find the words swimming on the page before you, making comprehension a monumental challenge. For millions of individuals with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and dyslexia, this is a daily reality — navigating the demands of education and work can feel like an uphill battle.

Meet Sam, a bright 15-year-old student whose story exemplifies these struggles. Despite his intelligence and eagerness to learn, Sam often finds himself lost during lessons. His mind wanders, and the words on the page seem to dance before his eyes, making it nearly impossible to comprehend the material. Sam has ADHD and dyslexia, two conditions that can turn traditional learning environments into a minefield of distractions and frustrations.

ADHD is a neurodevelopmental disorder characterised by persistent patterns of inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity, affecting an estimated 5–10% of children and 2.5–4% of adults worldwide. For those with ADHD, the ability to maintain focus, prioritise tasks, and manage time effectively can be significantly impaired. Conventional educational methods and workplace environments often fail to accommodate the specific needs of individuals who experience inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity. This can lead to frustration, underperformance, and a sense of alienation.

Dyslexia, on the other hand, is a specific learning disability that impacts reading, writing, and spelling abilities, with a prevalence of around 5–10% in the general population. Similarly, individuals with dyslexia face distinct obstacles in reading, writing, and spelling — skills that are fundamental to success in most academic and professional pursuits. The traditional reliance on text-based materials and methods can create barriers to comprehension, self-expression, and confidence.

For students like Sam, the challenges can feel overwhelming. In educational settings, maintaining focus during lectures, organising coursework, and managing time effectively can be a constant struggle. Similarly, those with dyslexia face significant hurdles in reading comprehension, spelling, and written expression, hindering academic performance and self-confidence.

But the impact of these conditions extends beyond the classroom, into the professional realm. Individuals with ADHD and dyslexia may find it challenging to process written information, prioritise tasks, meet deadlines, and maintain consistent productivity — factors that can impact job satisfaction, career advancement, and overall well-being.

Yet, amidst these challenges, a beacon of hope has emerged — a technological revolution that promises to level the playing field and empower individuals like Sam to overcome their unique obstacles. Recent breakthroughs in Generative Artificial Intelligence (GenAI) offer an exciting new frontier, with the potential to transform the way we support individuals with ADHD and dyslexia in both educational and professional settings.

GenAI offers a transformative solution by providing personalised, adaptive support tailored to the unique cognitive profiles and learning styles of those with ADHD and dyslexia. Through advanced natural language processing, multimodal interfaces, and customisable presentation formats, GenAI systems can bridge the gap between conventional approaches and the specific needs of neurodivergent individuals.

As the father of Sam and someone who personally has dyslexia, I understand firsthand the challenges and the need for innovative solutions. I’ve witnessed the frustrations, the self-doubt, and the barriers that can arise when traditional methods fail to accommodate neurodivergent needs. But I’ve also seen the incredible potential that lies within these individuals — the creativity, the unique perspectives, and the resilience that can flourish when given the right tools and support systems. And that’s where GenAI comes in, offering a transformative opportunity to unlock that potential and create a more inclusive, empowering environment for all students and parents.

GenAI in Education

Continuing the education theme, let’s dive deeper into how the latest breakthroughs in Generative AI (GenAI) are poised to revolutionise educational experiences for individuals with ADHD and dyslexia.

Envision a personal AI tutor that understands your unique learning needs, communication style, and areas of struggle. This is becoming a reality with platforms like Section’s “Prof AI” — an AI-powered tutoring system designed to provide tailored guidance and feedback to students. According to Greg Shove, CEO of Section, “Prof AI will know who you are, where you work, what job you’re in. You’ll be able to ask Prof AI for case studies relevant to what you do. You’ll be able to get feedback on your assignments or projects when you submit them. It’ll be a very different experience.”

The key to this personalised approach lies in the capabilities of cutting-edge GenAI models like OpenAI’s GPT-4o and Google’s LearnLM/NotebookLM. These models and services can seamlessly integrate text, audio, and video inputs, enabling dynamic and interactive learning experiences.

Take Sam, for instance, who previously struggled with comprehending science lessons. With a GenAI-based learning platform, his academic journey can be transformed. The platform tailors its explanations, exercises, and interactive simulations to Sam’s individual needs, fostering personalised engagement and boosting his performance and confidence. This transformative potential is backed by research, such as a University of Cambridge study that found students with ADHD demonstrated significant improvements in attentiveness and problem-solving abilities when using a GenAI-powered virtual maths tutor.

According to the National Center for Learning Disabilities, around 33% of students with ADHD also have dyslexia. Furthermore, a study published in the Journal of Attention Disorders found that 40% of students with ADHD have reading difficulties indicative of dyslexia. These statistics highlight the urgent need for effective educational tools that cater to the unique needs of these students.

The convergence of GenAI with augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) technologies also promises to redefine classroom experiences altogether. Immersive, dynamically generated learning environments could provide multisensory stimulation, fostering active participation and enhancing focus and comprehension for students with ADHD and dyslexia. Recent advancements in natural language processing and vision will enable GenAI Assistants to better understand and accommodate the unique communication styles of these students, further personalising the learning experience and removing barriers to success.

Several current implementations of GenAI are already making a difference. For instance, Cognii, an AI-based tutoring system, uses natural language processing to provide real-time feedback on students’ written responses, helping them improve their understanding and retention of material. Similarly, Knewton is a learning platform that uses AI to provide adaptive learning paths for students, ensuring that each student receives content and assessments tailored to their individual needs.

Additionally, Google’s NotebookLM is an innovative AI-first notebook designed to help students and professionals gain insights faster by grounding language models in their own documents. NotebookLM acts as a virtual research assistant, summarising facts, explaining complex ideas, and brainstorming new connections based on the user’s selected sources. This tool not only aids in comprehension but also helps synthesise information from multiple documents, making it a valuable asset for students with learning disabilities.

I am also inspired by Cottesmore School in the UK, which has taken an innovative step by appointing an AI chatbot, Abigail Bailey, as its “Principal Headteacher.” This AI tool supports the human headmaster by providing guidance on various issues, including drafting school policies and supporting children with ADHD. This initiative demonstrates the practical application of AI in enhancing educational management and personalised student support.

The benefits of GenAI extend beyond students to educators and institutions as well. Teachers can leverage AI to automate administrative tasks such as grading and attendance tracking, allowing them to focus more on individualised instruction. Educational institutions can develop more inclusive curricula that cater to diverse learning needs, improving overall student outcomes.

Ongoing research at institutions like MIT is exploring how AI can be used to develop new teaching methodologies specifically designed to support students with learning disabilities. Collaborative projects between universities and tech companies are investigating the long-term effects of AI-assisted learning on students’ academic and personal development.

While the integration of GenAI into education is still in its early stages, companies like Section are leading the charge, recognising the immense potential of these technologies to transform the learning experience for millions of students worldwide. As Greg Shove, CEO of Section, aptly states, “I’m tired of talking to business leaders who have opinions about AI and don’t use ChatGPT. Use it and then decide.” It’s time to embrace the power of GenAI and unlock new possibilities for inclusive and personalised education.

GenAI in the Workplace

Building on our exploration of how Generative AI (GenAI) can revolutionise education, let’s turn our attention to its impact in professional settings for individuals with ADHD and dyslexia.

GenAI tools can assist employees by providing tailored support to manage tasks, prioritise work, and stay organised. For example, AI-driven project management software can send reminders, automate routine tasks, and offer personalised productivity tips. These features are particularly beneficial for individuals with ADHD and dyslexia who may struggle with maintaining focus and managing time, especially when faced with large reports and long documents.

During my research I had the pleasure of reading a wonderful personal story from Elle Neal’s (Link here) whose journey in data science exemplifies how GenAI can empower professionals with ADHD. Diagnosed at 37, Neal used AI tools like GitHub’s Copilot and OpenAI’s ChatGPT to overcome her struggles. Copilot’s predictive coding assistance streamlined her work, while ChatGPT helped organise her thoughts and structure ideas, transforming her productivity and work quality. Neal’s story highlights how GenAI can turn challenges into opportunities for innovation and efficiency.

Another example is the use of AI-driven task management apps that help individuals with ADHD organise their workday. These apps can set reminders, manage deadlines, and break down complex projects into manageable tasks, making it easier for users to stay on track and meet their goals.

A recent FE News article showed how GenAI empowers dyslexic individuals by improving writing efficiency with real-time suggestions and predictive text capabilities. This helps reduce frustration and boosts confidence, enabling better self-expression and productivity. The technology also allows for customisable text presentations, making reading and writing more accessible.

The HR Director article adds that GenAI’s predictive capabilities significantly enhance writing efficiency for dyslexic individuals. By offering real-time suggestions and corrections, GenAI helps users focus on their ideas while the AI refines their expression, reducing the frustration caused by dyslexia-related challenges. AI Assistants also tailor text presentation to individual needs, addressing visual perception issues common in dyslexia and boosting confidence in self-expression. I have personally benefited from this and feel more confident in my writing and expression now.

While GenAI offers significant benefits, it is also essential to address potential challenges and ethical considerations. Privacy and data security are critical concerns when implementing AI solutions. Ensuring that AI systems are transparent, secure, and ethically designed is vital for gaining trust and achieving effective implementation. Every company should have a Responsible AI policy in place now!

Additionally, there is a need to train employees and students on how to use these AI tools effectively. Providing adequate training and resources will help maximise the benefits of GenAI and ensure that users can leverage these technologies to their full potential.

The future of GenAI in the workplace holds exciting possibilities. We can expect more advanced AI systems capable of understanding and adapting to individual work styles, providing real-time emotional support, and facilitating seamless collaboration among team members. These advancements can create more inclusive and supportive work environments for individuals with ADHD and dyslexia, helping them thrive in their careers and contribute meaningfully to their organisations.

For instance, AI technologies that can detect stress or frustration through voice analysis could offer timely support or suggest breaks to prevent burnout. Collaborative AI tools could also help teams with diverse needs and working styles to communicate more effectively and work together more harmoniously.

Several companies are already recognising the potential of GenAI in the workplace. For example, Microsoft’s AI for Accessibility programme is developing tools to support people with disabilities, including those with ADHD and dyslexia. These tools aim to enhance productivity and accessibility, demonstrating the real-world applicability of GenAI in professional settings.

By embracing these innovative technologies, organisations can create more inclusive workplaces that cater to the diverse needs of their employees. This not only benefits individuals with ADHD and dyslexia but also fosters a more supportive and productive work environment for all.

GenAI has the potential to transform professional experiences for individuals with ADHD and dyslexia. By providing personalised support, enhancing productivity, and promoting inclusivity, GenAI can help these individuals overcome their unique challenges and thrive in their careers. As we continue to explore and develop these technologies, it is crucial to address potential challenges and ensure ethical implementation to maximise their benefits. The journey towards more inclusive workplaces is just beginning, and GenAI should play a significant role in shaping the future of work for everyone.

Conclusions and Action Points

In this blog, we’ve explored how GenAI can transform the lives of individuals with ADHD and dyslexia. From enhancing educational experiences with personalised learning tools to supporting professional growth through tailored task management and communication aids, GenAI is revolutionising how we approach neurodiversity.

The benefits are clear: personalised assistance, improved productivity, and inclusive environments where everyone can thrive. By leveraging these technologies, we can help individuals with ADHD and dyslexia overcome challenges and unlock their full potential.

To get started with integrating GenAI into your educational or professional settings, consider the following action plan:

Explore Available Tools

· ChatGPT/LearnLM/NotebookLM: This tools can serve as an “evaluator” for message effectiveness and act as a “formaliser” to adjust the tone of written content. Just provide a prompt to get started.

· Organisation Tools: AI-based tools can help manage time, activities, medication schedules, and budgets. They assist in planning activities, managing time blindness, tracking expenses, and more.

· Reading Assistance: Tools like text-to-speech programs and voice assistants can make reading easier for individuals with ADHD by allowing them to listen to texts, which many find easier to focus on.

Implement AI in Daily Tasks

· AI for Diagnosis and Treatment: Researchers at the University of California have developed an AI tool that analyses MRI images to diagnose ADHD by measuring objective brain differences.

· Serious Games: “Serious Games” are games designed for purposes beyond mere entertainment. They aim to educate, train, or promote behavioural change by leveraging engaging and interactive game mechanics. For individuals with ADHD, serious games can improve cognitive and emotional skills while providing a fun and immersive experience. These games often focus on enhancing attention, memory, and problem-solving abilities, offering an effective way to support the development and management of ADHD symptoms through play.

· Compensatory Instruments: Devices and programs, such as NotebookLM, text-to-speech, help individuals with dyslexia by allowing them to “read with their ears,” compensating for their reading difficulties.

Promote Inclusivity and Accessibility

· Personalised Teaching Plans: AI can help create tailored educational plans for students with ADHD, ensuring they receive the support they need to succeed.

· Ethical Use of AI: It’s important to balance the benefits of AI with concerns about privacy and data security. Educators and parents should stay informed and advocate for Responsible AI use and policies to complement traditional methods.

Questions to Consider:

· How can your organisation benefit from integrating GenAI tools for ADHD and dyslexia support?

· What steps can you take to ensure the ethical implementation of these technologies, addressing privacy and data security concerns?

· How can you promote awareness and training for the effective use of GenAI tools in your community?

Embrace the potential of GenAI and join the movement towards more inclusive and supportive environments for all. By harnessing the power, we can unlock new possibilities and create a brighter and more inclusive future for everyone.

Quick note…Using the tools mentioned the blog at home we just found out that Sam got a 6 in his English GCSE mocks. Well done Sam!

*This blog was created with the help of ChatGPT4o*


Berrezueta-Guzman, J., et al. “Future of ADHD Care: Evaluating the Efficacy of ChatGPT in Therapy Enhancement.” Healthcare-12–00683. Link

Gomes, B. “How Generative AI Expands Curiosity and Understanding with LearnLM.” Google AI Blog. Link

Lovejoy, B. “Amazing iPad AI Tutor Demo Points to an Incredible New World for Students.” 9to5Mac. Link

Neal, E. “Embracing Neurodiversity: My Journey with ADHD and How Generative AI Propelled My Career in Data Science.” Data Science Talent. Link

Cartwright, I. “Own Your Voice: How Generative AI Can Supercharge ADHD.” LinkedIn. Link

“How Can Generative AI Support Inclusion and Help People Who Are Neurodiverse?” Quantum Rise. Link

“How Gen AI Opens a Whole New World for Dyslexic Individuals.” FE News. Link

“Getting Started with AI in Teaching.” MIT Sloan EdTech, Link.



Lee James

Loves joining dots on the latest and greatest tech trends